
5 numbers linked to ideal heart health

A collection of items: a heart-shaped bowl containing fruits & vegetables, a stethoscope, a pair of dumbbells, a measuring tape, sphygmomanometer, and a wooden scooper with beans on it

How well are you protecting yourself against heart disease, the nation’s leading cause of death? A check of five important numbers can give you a good idea: blood pressure, blood sugar, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and waist circumference. Those values provide a picture of a person’s overall health and, more specifically, what factors they may need to address to lower their chance of a heart attack or stroke.

Below are the ideal values for each measurement, along with why they’re important and targeted advice for improving them. Universal suggestions for improving all five measurements appear at the very end.

How do your heart health numbers stack up?

While the ideal values are good goals for most people, your doctor may recommend different targets based on your age or other health conditions.

Blood pressure

Less than 120/80 mm Hg

Blood pressure readings tell you the force of blood pushing against your arteries when your heart contracts (systolic blood pressure, the first number) and relaxes (diastolic blood pressure, the second number). Your blood pressure reflects how hard your heart is working (when you’re resting or exercising, for example) and the condition of your blood vessels. Narrowed, inflexible arteries cause blood pressure to rise.

Why it matters to heart health: High blood pressure accelerates damage to blood vessels, encouraging a buildup of fatty plaque (atherosclerosis). This sets the stage for a heart attack. High blood pressure forces the heart’s main pumping chamber to enlarge, which can lead to heart failure. Finally, high blood pressure raises the risk of strokes due to a blocked or burst blood vessel in the brain.

What helps: A diet rich in potassium (found in many vegetables, fruits, and beans) and low in sodium (found in excess in many processed and restaurant foods); minimizing alcohol.

LDL cholesterol

Less than 70 mg/dL

A cholesterol test (or lipid profile) shows many numbers. Doctors are usually most concerned about low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, particles that makes up about two-thirds of the cholesterol in the blood.

Why it matters to heart health: Excess LDL particles lodge inside artery walls. Once there, they are engulfed by white blood cells, forming fat-laden foam cells that make up atherosclerosis.

What helps: Limiting saturated fat (found in meat, dairy, and eggs) and replacing those lost calories with unsaturated fat (found in nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils).


Less than 150 mg/dL

Perhaps less well-known than cholesterol, triglycerides are the most common form of fat in the bloodstream. Derived from food, these molecules provide energy for your body. But excess calories, alcohol, and sugar the body can’t use are turned into triglycerides and stored in fat cells.

Why it matters to heart health: Like high LDL cholesterol, elevated triglyceride values have been linked to a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.

What helps: Limiting foods that are high in unhealthy fats, sugar, or both; eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as fish); avoiding alcohol.

Blood sugar

Less than 100 mg/dL (fasting)

High blood sugar defines the diagnosis of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is most common. It occurs when the body develops insulin resistance (insulin enables cells to take in sugar) and does not produce enough insulin to overcome the resistance.

Why it matters to heart health: High blood sugar levels damage blood vessel walls and cause sugar (glucose) to attach to LDL. This makes LDL more likely to oxidize — another factor that promotes atherosclerosis. Excess sugar in the blood also makes cell fragments called platelets stickier so they’re more likely to form clots, which can trigger a heart attack or stroke.

What helps: Avoiding sugary beverages and foods high in sugar; eating whole, unprocessed grains instead of foods made with refined grains (white flour, white rice).

Waist circumference

Whichever number is lower:

Less than half your height in inches


Women: Less than 35 inches

Men: Less than 40 inches

Measure your waist around your bare abdomen just above your navel (belly button). A big belly — what doctors call abdominal or visceral obesity — usually means fat surrounding internal organs.

Why it matters to heart health: Visceral fat secretes hormones and other factors that encourage inflammation, which triggers the release of white blood cells involved in atherosclerosis.

What helps: Consuming fewer calories, especially those from highly processed foods full of sugar, salt, and unhealthy types of fat.

Universal advice to improve all five measures of heart health

If one or more of your numbers is above ideal levels, you’re far from alone. Most Americans are overweight or obese and have bigger-than-healthy bellies. Excess weight and waist circumference affect blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar. Eating a healthy, plant-based diet can help. Regular exercise also helps: aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise like brisk walking most days. Other lifestyle habits that can lower your heart disease risk include getting seven to eight hours of sleep nightly and managing your stress level.

About the Author

photo of Julie Corliss

Julie Corliss, Executive Editor, Harvard Heart Letter

Julie Corliss is the executive editor of the Harvard Heart Letter. Before working at Harvard, she was a medical writer and editor at HealthNews, a consumer newsletter affiliated with The New England Journal of Medicine. She … See Full Bio View all posts by Julie Corliss

About the Reviewer

photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Howard LeWine, M.D., is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD


The popularity of microdosing of psychedelics: What does the science say?

close-up photo of a portable digital scale holding a piece of dried mushroom, with other pieces in the background out of focus

Psychedelic drugs have been capturing the attention of doctors and patients alike, for their increasingly proven potential to effect long-lasting improvements in the mental health of people who are suffering from conditions such as treatment-resistant depression. Microdosing of psychedelic substances such as LSD or psilocybin involves taking a fraction of a regular dose (a subperceptual dose) that is much lower than one would take if one wanted to “trip” or hallucinate on these substances.

Many people share the idea that microdosing with psychedelics enhances one’s mood, creativity, concentration, productivity, and ability to empathize with others. Or could the benefits be an “expectancy effect”? This means that most people who take a daily pill that they fervently expect will help them feel happier and smarter will feel like they are happier and smarter — just from taking the pill, regardless of what’s in it.

What is microdosing?

There isn’t a single, clearly recognized definition of microdosing for any psychedelic drug, and this complicates attempts to perform consistent research. One definition is approximately 1/5 to 1/20 of a recreational dose. (From anecdotal experience this is accurate, as a medium-strength dose of psilocybin is 2 to 3 grams of dried mushrooms, and a microdose is typically around 0.3 grams.) One obstacle is that the potency of mushrooms can vary greatly, as they are not regulated outside of clinical trials, so this isn’t an exact science. Likewise, LSD is an invisible, tasteless, odorless substance that usually comes either in liquid form or embedded into a piece of paper to be slipped under the tongue.

Given its current illegality and lack of regulation, there is no good way to know what dosage you are taking unless you have an extraordinarily reliable supplier. LSD is an extremely powerful and long-acting drug, and you don’t want to take more of it than intended. Further, psychedelics such as psilocybin and LSD can produce physiological tolerance, which might suggest that, even if microdosing does help, there could be diminishing returns if one stays at the same dosage.

Is microdosing safe?

We don’t know as much about safety as we might have learned if not for the War on Drugs, which curtailed much of the research into psychedelics starting in the late 1960s. This research has been renewed over the last five to 10 years, and many medical centers are conducting research on psychedelics. Psilocybin is generally thought to be safe in low dosages and has been used for centuries by indigenous peoples. However, if one takes too large a dose it can result in a terrifying — even traumatic — experience.

Psilocybin is a compound produced by almost 200 species of fungi (mushrooms), and the mushrooms must come from a trusted source. It is very easy to poison oneself with the wrong type of mushroom, as there are many types of mushrooms in nature that can look quite similar to each other, but some are poisonous and can harm your liver, causing severe illness or even death.

Could psychedelics become safer if legalized?

It is anticipated by experts in the field that some psychedelics may become fully legalized — for medical usage, under supervision — within the next few years, specifically psilocybin and MDMA (ecstasy). Some policy makers and public health experts believe that the safety of these psychedelics would be enhanced if they were decriminalized, and if their cultivation and production were monitored and regulated. At least one state (Oregon), and many cities around the country, have decriminalized psychedelics at the local level.

Some advocates of decriminalization are looking forward to a safer product, and wider access that could include not having to see a medical professional to get a prescription or be under medical supervision when using psychedelics. Skeptics are worried that uncontrolled access to these drugs might affect patients with mental illness, or might even precipitate mental illness such as psychosis in people that are vulnerable.

It is important to mention that the use of all psychedelic drugs should be undertaken with utmost caution — if they should be used at all — in patients with major mental illness such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. For safety reasons, these patients are typically excluded from studies involving psychedelic drugs.

Evidence for microdosing of psychedelics is mixed

Does microdosing work? In short, the jury is still out. Some studies indicate a very real and significant benefit from microdosing, whereas others are much less convincing and show little to no benefit. One recent study used a naturalistic, observational design to study 953 psilocybin microdosers compared with 180 nondosing participants for 30 days, and found “small to medium-sized improvements in mood and mental health that were generally consistent across gender, age, and presence of mental health concerns.” This study and others like it appear to confirm many anecdotal reports of people who swear by the benefits they have experienced from microdosing.

Other studies on microdosing are far less impressive. In one example the researchers conducted a randomized controlled study, which represents the strongest type of evidence because it weeds out the placebo effect. The researchers took 34 patients and randomized half of them to receive psilocybin and half to placebo. While there were some intriguing subjective effects (people felt happier and more creative), and even some changes in brain waves recorded on an EEG machine, they concluded that low-dose psilocybin mushrooms did not show objective evidence of improvements in creativity, well-being, and cognitive function. Studies such as this one support the hypothesis that the effect people receive from psychedelics at these subperceptual doses is mostly an expectancy effect, and that one needs to consume a higher dosage to receive a therapeutic benefit.

To microdose or not to microdose?

While any medical or lifestyle decision is an individual’s choice (assuming that they aren’t harming others), I would highly recommend that you speak with your doctor to explore your decision to take psychedelics, and see if there are any medical reasons why you should be cautious or avoid these drugs. It is critical to pay attention to the legality and the quality of your product — you likely can’t afford to get into legal jeopardy, and certainly can’t afford to poison yourself.

Finally, it is important to understand that there isn’t yet definitive proof that microdosing is at all helpful, or even that it is safe in the long term. With these points in mind, it is fair to say that psychedelic drugs are becoming better understood, and are undergoing a resurgence of research and a more widely accepted use.

About the Author

photo of Peter Grinspoon, MD

Peter Grinspoon, MD, Contributor

Dr. Peter Grinspoon is a primary care physician, educator, and cannabis specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital; an instructor at Harvard Medical School; and a certified health and wellness coach. He is the author of the forthcoming book Seeing … See Full Bio View all posts by Peter Grinspoon, MD


Ketamine for treatment-resistant depression: When and where is it safe?

overhead view photo of a yellow post-it pad stamped with the word ketamine in red, surrounded by a pen, a syringe, and an assortment of pills

Ketamine is an unusual type of psychedelic drug — called a dissociative — that is undergoing a resurgence in popularity. Originally derived from PCP, or “angel dust,” ketamine has been used in hospitals and veterinary clinics as an anesthetic for decades, and has been cited as a drug of misuse under the moniker “special K.”

It is the effects that ketamine reliably produces that underlie both its medical and recreational uses: pain control, forgetfulness, intoxication, disassociation, and euphoria. Recently, it has been used more widely due to its approval for treatment-resistant depression (TRD) — that is, severe depression that has not improved via other therapies, including people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Evidence of the benefit of ketamine

A prescription version of ketamine called esketamine (Spravato), given through a nasal spray, was approved in 2019 by the FDA for TRD; however, according to the guidelines, it is only to be used “under the supervision of a health care provider in a certified doctor’s office or clinic.” That means medical professionals need to watch you use it, and then follow you after you’ve taken your dose, checking your vital signs and how you are doing clinically.

The effectiveness of ketamine for TRD was first demonstrated for short-term treatment in research that resulted in clinically and statistically significant decreases in depression scores for ketamine versus placebo (In both groups in this study, the patients continued with their regular antidepressants because of concern of not treating TRD in the placebo arm.) Nasal ketamine was shown to have longer-term efficacy, in a study where ketamine (plus the regular antidepressant) helped people stay in stable remission 16 weeks into treatment.

Relief from TRD with ketamine happens rapidly. Instead of waiting for an SSRI to hopefully provide some relief over the course of weeks, people who are suffering under the crushing weight of depression can start to feel the benefits of ketamine within about 40 minutes.

Is ketamine the right treatment for you?

This is a discussion that should include your primary care doctor, your mental health provider, and any other health care professionals who care for you. It’s important to remember that ketamine isn’t a first-option treatment for depression, and it is generally used only when other, more longstanding treatments haven’t been effective. It is not thought to be curative; rather, it improves symptoms for a certain amount of time. It is easier to say who isn’t appropriate for ketamine treatment, based on the side effects.

Should you go to a ketamine clinic for treatment?

Independent, outpatient ketamine clinics are popping up all over the place. It is estimated that there are currently hundreds to thousands of these clinics — almost all of which were established in 2019 when ketamine was approved for TRD. Typically, these clinics are for-profit enterprises that are staffed by some combination of either a psychiatrist or an anesthesiologist (who can administer the infusion), a nurse, a social worker, and (of course) the businesspeople who make it all work.

In writing this piece, I called several ketamine clinics, posing as a patient, to investigate what would be involved in receiving ketamine therapy. Most of them seemed as if they would provide ketamine for me without any major hurdles, after an introductory medical interview by a nurse or a social worker. A few clinics required communication or a diagnosis from my psychiatrist — and this seemed quite sensible.

The clinics operate on a fee-for-service arrangement, so you would pay out of pocket, as insurance rarely covers this treatment. In the Boston area where I live, the ketamine infusions cost about $600 each, and a course of six infusions and a clinical re-evaluation are typically recommended. (I should note that the ketamine clinics affiliated with medical academic institutions seem to have more safeguards in place, and they may also be enrolling people in clinical trials.)

Are ketamine clinics safe?

These ketamine clinics raise many questions — namely, what does one look for in a reputable and safe ketamine clinic? Currently, we don’t yet have definitive answers to that question. One wonders if a ketamine infusion, which can cause a profound dissociation from reality, would be better controlled in a hospital setting, where there are protocols for safety in case anything goes wrong. It was unclear (in part because I didn’t actually go through with the therapy) how much communication, if any, there would be between the ketamine clinic staff and your health care providers, and typically the treatments you receive would not be included in your primary electronic medical record.

What are the side effects?

Ketamine is generally considered safe, including for those who are experiencing suicidal ideation (thoughts or plans for suicide). The main side effects are dissociation, intoxication, sedation, high blood pressure, dizziness, headache, blurred vision, anxiety, nausea, and vomiting. Ketamine is avoided or used with extreme caution in the following groups:

  • people with a history of psychosis or schizophrenia, as there is concern that the dissociation ketamine produces can make psychotic disorders worse
  • people with a history of substance use disorder, because ketamine can cause euphoria (likely by triggering the opioid receptors) and some people can become addicted to it (which is called ketamine use disorder)
  • teenagers, as there are some concerns about the long-term effects of ketamine on the still-developing adolescent brain
  • people who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • older adults who have symptoms of dementia.

More detailed research needs to be done on the longer-term benefits and side effects of ketamine treatment, and on its safety and effectiveness for teens and older adults, as well as for the emerging indications of ketamine therapy for PTSD, OCD, alcohol use disorder, and other mental health conditions.

Finally, there is some concern that, with repeated dosing, ketamine can start to lose its effectiveness and require larger doses to produce the same effect, which is not sustainable.

Ketamine could provide hope for people with serious depression

Serious, treatment-resistant depression can rob people of hope for the future and hope that they will ever feel better. Ketamine can provide help and hope to patients who have not found relief with any other treatments. Given its efficacy in people considering suicide, it is plausible that ketamine may be lifesaving.

As we learn more from research on ketamine and from people’s experiences in newer clinics, we will be better able to answer the questions of ketamine’s longer-term effectiveness and what safeguards are needed for treatment. We may also learn who is most likely to safely benefit from ketamine therapies, and the best method of administration: intravenous infusion, a nasal spray, or a pill.

About the Author

photo of Peter Grinspoon, MD

Peter Grinspoon, MD, Contributor

Dr. Peter Grinspoon is a primary care physician, educator, and cannabis specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital; an instructor at Harvard Medical School; and a certified health and wellness coach. He is the author of the forthcoming book Seeing … See Full Bio View all posts by Peter Grinspoon, MD


Parents don’t always realize that their teen is suicidal

photo of a troubled teen looking out a window

Parents like to think that they know what is going on with their children — and that they would know if their teen was suicidal. However, research shows that this is not always the case.

Teens may consider suicide more often than parents realize

In a study published a few years ago in the journal Pediatrics, researchers interviewed more than 5,000 adolescents ages 11 to 17. In those interviews, they asked them if they had ever thought about killing themselves — or if they had ever thought a lot about death or dying. The teens' parents were asked if they believed that their teens had ever thought about killing themselves, or had thought a lot about death or dying.

There wasn’t a whole lot of match-up. Half of the parents of the adolescents who thought of killing themselves were unaware — as were three-quarters of the parents of adolescents who thought often about death.

This disconnect looms larger as research shows mental health problems are on the rise in youth. According to the 2021 Youth Risk Behavioral Survey, 42% of high school students reported persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness; 22% seriously considered suicide, and 10% attempted it.

The numbers were higher for girls and youth who identify as LGBTQ+:

  • Almost 60% of girls experienced persistent sadness and hopelessness; 30% seriously considered attempting suicide, and 13% attempted it.
  • Among LGBTQ+ youth, 70% experienced persistent sadness and hopelessness; 45% seriously considered attempting suicide, and 22% attempted it.

Many factors contribute to this. Stress and isolation caused by the pandemic clearly played a role. While teens are back in school, re-entry has been difficult for many. Social media clearly plays a role, inviting unrealistic comparisons, reinforcing negative thoughts and ideas, and encouraging doomscrolling. It is also a source of bullying: in the report, 16% of high school students reported being bullied electronically, including 20% of girls and 27% of those who identify as LGBTQ+.

Why the disconnect between teens and parents?

It’s not that surprising that parents don’t always know that their teens are considering suicide. Teens may not always realize how bad they are feeling, and may not want to tell their parents when they do — both for fear of worrying them, and also because of uncertainty about how their parents might react.

Parents may miss signs of depression in their teens, or quite genuinely misinterpret them or attribute them to something innocent; after all, it’s natural to want to believe that your child is fine, rather than thinking that they might be suicidal. And given how much drama can be intrinsic to the life of a teen, it’s understandable that parents could misinterpret statements about death or dying as, well, just teen drama.

What can parents do?

  • Be aware of signs of depression in teens, and never ignore them. Acting sad is one of them, but there are many others:
    • dropping grades
    • being irritable or angry often
    • acting bored all the time, and/or dropping out of activities
    • difficulty with relationships, including changing peer groups or becoming more isolated
    • dangerous or risky behavior
    • persistent physical complaints such as headaches or stomachaches
    • fatigue.
  • Listen to your teen, and never assume that statements like “nobody cares if I live or die” are just drama. Instead of saying, “You don’t mean that,” ask them if they do mean it. Often parents worry that asking about suicide might “give them ideas,” but asking may be the only way to know — and the best way to show your teen that you are taking them seriously.
  • Learn how to have tough conversations about mental health and suicide. The American Academy of Pediatrics has many tips and resources for parents.
  • Get help. Call your doctor, call a mental health professional, call the new nationwide number 988 that can link you to local help like a suicide hotline, or take your child to a local emergency room. This is crucial. If counseling is recommended, do your best to schedule it, letting your doctor know if you are having trouble finding a provider. Make sure your teen sticks with it.
  • If you suspect your teen may be depressed or suicidal, take precautions. If you have a gun in your house, make sure it is locked up with the ammunition locked separately. Take stock of prescription medications and alcohol in your house that could be used for self-harm, and either get rid of them or be sure they are stored safely.

Sometimes it is just drama — or short-term blues after a breakup or another one of life’s inevitable disappointments. And in the study, half of the teens whose parents thought they were suicidal, and two-thirds of those whose parents believed their teens thought about death, said they were fine. But when it comes to suicide, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. So ask the questions — and ask for help.

About the Author

photo of Claire McCarthy, MD

Claire McCarthy, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Claire McCarthy, MD, is a primary care pediatrician at Boston Children’s Hospital, and an assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. In addition to being a senior faculty editor for Harvard Health Publishing, Dr. McCarthy … See Full Bio View all posts by Claire McCarthy, MD


Close relationships with neighbors influence cardiovascular health in Black adults

A tree with healthy green leaves close together and spreading roots; a heart-shape in the middle of its branches. Concept is connected and strongly rooted.

Feeling rooted in community and socializing with neighbors may strongly contribute to better cardiovascular health by improving diet, exercise habits, and weight control, new research among Black adults in Georgia suggests. And better cardiovascular health may add up to fewer heart attacks and strokes, two leading causes of disability and death.

“There’s a range of interactions within the community that can improve one’s cardiovascular health, not to mention the effect on mental health — the sense of belonging, of being seen — which is tightly related to cardiovascular outcomes in the long run,” says Dr. Dhruv Kazi, director of the cardiac critical care unit at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and associate director of the Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Center for Outcomes Research in Cardiology.

“Another way to put it is that these unique sources of resilience in communities may directly affect diet, exercise, weight, and mental well-being, all of which lead to improved cardiovascular health,” he adds.

A positive perspective on health within Black communities

The new analysis is part of the ongoing Morehouse-Emory Cardiovascular Center for Health Equity (MECA) study in Atlanta. MECA builds on prior research indicating that living in disadvantaged areas is associated with higher rates of having heart disease or dying from it. But unlike much of that research — which focused on negative aspects of Black neighborhoods that may contribute to poor cardiovascular health — the new study fills a gap. It zeroes in on positive neighborhood features, especially social interactions, that can promote ideal cardiovascular health despite higher risks related to race or socioeconomic status.

“Typically, researchers are identifying factors that result in health disparities on the negative side, such as deaths or co-existing diseases, or that cause increased rates of a particular disease,” explains Dr. Fidencio Saldana, dean for students at Harvard Medical School and an attending physician in medicine and cardiology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), whose research interests include racial disparities and outcomes in cardiovascular disease. “It’s quite unique to be able to look for solutions, or to look at these positive attributes of communities and think about how to replicate them.”

Measuring social environment and heart health

The study included 392 Black men and women between the ages of 30 and 70 living in the Atlanta area. None had existing cardiovascular disease. About four in 10 participants were men.

Social environment includes perceptions of neighbors and any support system, as well as how often neighbors interact. Participants answered questions about seven neighborhood features: aesthetics, walking environment, availability of healthy foods, safety, social cohesion, activity with neighbors, and violence.

Heart health was measured using Life’s Simple 7 (LS7) scores, developed by the American Heart Association to determine ideal cardiovascular health. LS7 calculates seven elements that influence cardiovascular health: self-reported exercise, diet, and smoking history, as well as measured blood pressure, sugar level, cholesterol level, and body mass index (BMI). Researchers also gathered information about annual income, education, and marital and employment status, and physical exams that included blood tests.

What did the researchers learn?

After controlling for factors that could skew results, researchers found participants who reported more social connection and activity with neighbors were about twice as likely to record ideal LS7 scores. The association was even stronger among Black women than men.

“Our health is more closely related to these social networks than we appreciate,” Dr. Kazi says, noting that individual efforts to combat obesity and smoking, for instance, are more likely to gain steam “when shared by neighbors.”

“The more we’re able to engage with our neighbors and the communities we live in, the better it probably is for our cardiovascular health,” he says.

The study was observational, so it cannot prove cause and effect. It’s also possible that those who are already healthier are more likely to engage with their neighbors, Dr. Kazi notes. Other limitations are the location of all participants in a single metropolitan area, and the self-reported nature of neighborhood characteristics. Another key area that went unexamined, Dr. Kazi says, involves a “missing piece” in LS7 scores: mental health.

“Living in a community where you feel safe and know your neighbors — where you feel part of the social fabric — is critically important to mental health, and therefore cardiovascular health,” he explains. “If anything, this study underestimates the health benefits of feeling part of a cohesive neighborhood.”

What are a few takeaways from this study?

Social environment and feeling rooted within a community matter to health, and may even help counter negative risk factors. However, long-term lack of investment and the effects of gentrification threaten many Black neighborhoods in cities throughout the US.

“When a neighborhood gets gentrified and longstanding residents are forced to leave, the community is gone forever,” Dr. Kazi adds. “Simply offering the departing residents housing elsewhere doesn’t make up for what is lost. Going forward, we need to be cognizant of the value of community, and invest in our neighborhoods that allow people to safely engage in physical and community activities.”

Dr. Saldana agrees. “Our system is not set up for some communities to have those advantages. It’s important to look to the positive aspects of our communities, and as a system encourage those positive traits in other communities.”

About the Author

photo of Maureen Salamon

Maureen Salamon, Executive Editor, Harvard Women's Health Watch

Maureen Salamon is executive editor of Harvard Women’s Health Watch. She began her career as a newspaper reporter and later covered health and medicine for a wide variety of websites, magazines, and hospitals. Her work has … See Full Bio View all posts by Maureen Salamon